The Beginning of Life on the Wheeled Side
January 6, 2020, I went to the hospital exhibiting the following symptoms: I was blind with Nystagmus, Vertigo so bad that I could not walk without assistance, and with the Vertigo came severe Nausea... My then girlfriend and her 17 year old son walked me to her car when she came home from work and took me to St Anthony's Hospital in St Louis MO. I sat in the Emergency Room from 10:30pm until 6:30am, since it was Flu Season and I was throwing up, I am assuming that they thought I just had the flu???
Went back to see a doctor and thus began 10 days of testing and a doctor that scared me! She spoke broken english with a Middle Eastern accent, had cross eyes, (so you never knew if she was looking at you?) and kept having me do these strange things like look at her nose and then follow her finger as she moved it up, down, and side to side. (occasionally holding up some fingers and asking how many?) Obviously, she was a WITCH DOCTOR!!!
I asked her and the staff to communicate to me through my girlfriend as she was an RN but they refused to do such a thing. So my girlfriend would spend a few minutes each visit reading my charts in order to explain what the were thinking and had done in my days testing and doctor visits. My crash course in Multiple Sclerosis had begun and I was not happy with my doctor or St Anthony's Hospital...
Along about day 7 or 8, the doctor came in and said, I am thinking you have MS, Multiple Sclerosis... But we have a few additional test to run in order to verify this? About day, 9, the billing people came up and said, we are not sure how much longer insurance will let us keep you? Gathered more information... on day 10, doctor came in and said that a spinal tap had been ordered but would be in 3 days because I was being sent home. (Insurance would not pay for me to stay until that happened.) Never mind that I had asked them to discharge me in the morning when my girlfriend was available to take me home or the next morning, I had to go now! The got me a cab, which took me by Schnucks in South County on the way home to pick up prescriptions and then home in Mehlville. (a south St Louis town) I stumbled my way into the house and collapsed in bed!
Three days later, I went in for my spinal tap and it was PAINFUL!!! Went home and you guessed it back to bed but by that night had the worst headache ever in my life, so back to the hospital I went. They admitted me and for 3 days, I was in heaven on Morphine...
On the 4th day, that WITCH DOCTOR was back and with her came the news that I indeed had MS and the nurse would be in shortly to explain my options and to call her office, she would like to do a follow up with me... LIKE HELL!!!!!! That was going to ever happen, she had terrible bedside manner, could not do as I had politely asked and speak to my girlfriend, and quite frankly the woman scared me!
So I went home later that day and immediately began searching for a second opinion!!!
(to be continued)
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